Speakers // Janine Felden

Janine Felden

Janine Felden

MARUM, Uni­versity of Bre­men, Germany


Janine Felden is currently working at the Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science, – PANGAEA, MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences, Uni­versity of Bre­men as a project and data manager in the DFG funded project German Federation for Biological data (GFBio).
GFBio is implementing a national infrastructure for the preservation, integration, and publication of biological and environmental data. We are aiming to facilitate data sharing in the biological and environmental sciences and to support researchers in all aspects of research data management by offering a variety of services to meet the needs of researchers and funding agencies in accordance with the FAIR principles.
One of the GFBio data repositories is the data publisher for earth and environmental science, PANGAEA. We are providing essential services for data curation, long-term data archiving and data publication. PANGAEA data curation includes quality control of metadata and the development of ontologies and vocabularies according to international protocols and standards. Each dataset can be cited using a universally unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Our Metadata and data can be accessed via the website and web services

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